Home Politics Karoline Leavitt: There are many 'dangerous' liberal policies in Harris, Walz's records

Karoline Leavitt: There are many 'dangerous' liberal policies in Harris, Walz's records

Karoline Leavitt: There are many 'dangerous' liberal policies in Harris, Walz's records


Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt and other panelists vet the Harris-Walz agenda on ‘Hannity.’


  1. Danger would be more like electing a man who praises dictators instead of freedom and who sent an angry mob at our Capitol in a desperate attempt to remain in power after Americans kicked him out of power.

  2. The West Coast Mexicans vote identity politics and socialism. They destroyed their country by letting criminals take over. And voted for a socialist president. It's unliveable. Not all Mexicans but the majority I say 80 to 90 percent would vote for socialism.

  3. It's not too late for the GOP, you know. It can still drop the entire Trump ticket till mid-September. Despite the RNC.
    The simple fact of the matter is that Vance and Trump are not merely failing to pull in the necessary swing voters with their antics, they are driving them away.
    Amd everybody knows they are neither socialists nor do they want open borders. Nobody wants that. There are barely any socialists in America, Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician and he is the closest thing to it, and his views and platform are supported by broad middle and working class majorities. aka "almost everybody." Hannity's over-the-top rhetoric is beyond ridiculous, it is damaging to the conservative and Christian agendas. And all that just to suck up to Trump and his crazy magats.
    All the Republican party needs to do is find the political will to run candidates that act like actual politicians and convince swing voters. Of her policies.
    Instead of this ridiculous personality cult.
    Around the most demented, whiny and offputting personality in America.

  4. Does anyone at Fox News know the Olympics are going on? The United States is leading in medals count! Well done Olympian’s! Just in case you’ve been forgotten on the positive side of things. Just saying ~

  5. This looks like a very strong record…Democrats deliver results and have lead the USA into the Strongest economy in the world by far…16 million new jobs, 850,000 new manufacturing jobs, record stock market, USA is producing more oil now than ever in history…2024 GDP in second quarter is 2.8%…The US inflation rate right now is 3.00% This is lower than the long term average of 3.28% Go Kamala Go!!!

  6. Trump wants to get into the ring, but Kamala wants to put on a pair of running shoes and go jogging with her pals.

    Republican advisers say focus on one two and three. Democrat advisers say focus on this that and the other. Keep it simple. Do some pep rally stuff. Have a good slogan. Trump is complaining “ I was told my opponent would be here.” Instead, he got to argue with a student.

    Oh but the debate. The debate. The debate. Then Trump can finally try to trump Kamala and people will see. She will look so incompetent…

    Trump reportedly said DeSantis is a counter puncher only. Is Trump merely a puncher? How does Trump rally people if he doesn’t have a chance to get many punches in or if they don’t seem to connect well?

  7. The Angel G a b r i e l was sent to M a r y in the form of a man, with glad tidings of a child who was to be born miraculously without a father.
    “Then We sent to her Our spirit (angel G a b r i e l ), and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects. She said: ‘Surely I seek refuge from you with the Most Beneficent ( G o d ) if you do fear G o d .’ He said: ‘I am only a messenger of your L o r d : to announce to you the gift of a righteous son.’ She said: ‘How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not u n c h a s t e ?’ He said, ‘Thus [it will be]’. Your L o r d says, ‘It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.’” Q u r’ a n 19:17-21
    Some claim that his miraculous birth is evidence of J e s u s ’ divinity. However, J e s u s was not the first to come into existence without a father, as P r o p h e t Adam (peace be upon him) before him had neither a father nor mother. G o d says:
    “The likeness of J e s u s before A l l a h is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’, and he was. This is the truth from your L o r d , so be not of the disputes._Q u r ’ a n_ 3:59-60

  8. Trump wants to get into the ring, but Kamala wants to put on a pair of running shoes and go jogging with her pals.

    Republican advisers say focus on one two and three. Democrat advisers say focus on this that and the other. Keep it simple. Do some pep rally stuff. Have a good slogan. Trump is complaining “ I was told my opponent would be here.” Instead, he got to argue with a student.

    Oh but the debate. The debate. The debate. Then Trump can finally try to trump Kamala and people will see. She will look so incompetent…

    Trump reportedly said DeSantis is a counter puncher only. Is Trump merely a puncher? How does Trump rally people if he doesn’t have a chance to get many punches in?

  9. Yes, but the current policy of Harris is to distance herself from everything she supported just two months ago. The DNC and news media are hiding her, so she is getting away with all of the flip flops.

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