Home Politics Karl Rove: The cost of living has exploded and the border is...

Karl Rove: The cost of living has exploded and the border is a disaster

Karl Rove: The cost of living has exploded and the border is a disaster


Fox News contributor Karl Rove reveals how Republicans should respond to criticism from the left on ‘The Story.’


  1. Wierd ? What is she in 2nd grade and the whole left media ran with it. Yeah ya strangled 1/2 the country with inflation why any live person would vote for Kamala or Biden they are a total train wreck

  2. Republicans are the worst at the voting game, it's ridiculous, they never learn, and it's getting old. Republicans better wake up and realize if Harris wins, the Democrats will get 12 years in the White House, our country can't take that.

  3. I am amazed anyone would vote for Kamala. she is a catastrophic trainwreck and the only reason someone would vote for her is because she is a black woman. her resume is a trainwreck. If you vote for Kamala, you hate America

  4. Just give up now Fox you are so fake and pathetic. Jessica is the only genuine person on the network and they never fact check data. They are freaking out😱😱😱😱😱. Cmon Lachlan grow some when dad falls off the perch

  5. Trump needs to keep reminding that Kamala is running away from being the border czar and that's because they totally failed to close the border with some 12 plus million Biden / Harris criminal illegal aliens.

  6. It’s weird how fox keeps talking about Trump and Vance’s weird behaviour and say nothing about all the name calling that republican felon is guilty of..
    Don’t be afraid of a debate Donny

  7. FOX News is flailing as their old orange methane cloud candidate Trump is leaking into his adult diapers because a smart lawyer who prosecuted criminals like Trump is running against him. F* k traitor Trump and Australian multibillionaire-owned FOX News!

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