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Kamala Harris’ Celebrity Endorsements Raise Concerns About Elitism and Disconnect from Ordinary Americans

Kamala Harris’ Celebrity Endorsements Raise Concerns About Elitism and Disconnect from Ordinary Americans


As the election cycle enters its final stretch, Kamala Harris is ramping up her efforts to win over voters with a string of high-profile celebrity endorsements. While these endorsements may bring attention and social media buzz to her campaign, some are warning that the strategy could ultimately backfire.

According to NBC News, the Democratic Party’s reliance on celebrity endorsements can create an opening for Republicans to accuse them of catering to the interests of Hollywood elites rather than ordinary Americans. This is a criticism that President Donald Trump’s campaign has already seized upon, with Trump himself sending out a fundraising email that blasted Harris for assembling a “RADICAL LEFT DREAM TEAM” of Hollywood “HACKS” like Oprah Winfrey and Jamie Lee Curtis.

Harris’ approach to celebrity endorsements has been inconsistent, with her campaign initially attempting to downplay the role of Hollywood stars at the Democratic National Convention in August. However, she later reversed course, embracing the support of celebrities like Winfrey and Pink.

As voters increasingly demand substance over style, Harris has begun to lean more heavily on celebrity endorsements, despite concerns that they may not resonate with ordinary Americans. Her recent TV special with Winfrey, for example, failed to provide clear answers on pressing issues like high consumer prices and immigration.

The campaign’s emphasis on celebrity endorsements has also been bolstered by recent nods from Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lawrence, despite polls showing that the majority of voters are not swayed by Swift’s political views.

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