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Joe Biden’s Border Policy Results in the Deaths of Hundreds of Illegal Workers

Joe Biden’s Border Policy Results in the Deaths of Hundreds of Illegal Workers


The progressive policies of President Joe Biden are leading to a high number of deaths among illegal migrants working on construction sites across the nation. Foreign-born Hispanic or Latino workers accounted for a significant portion of the fatalities in the construction industry in 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The government has not released death data for 2023 yet.

Despite the significant number of deaths among working illegal immigrants, media coverage has been minimal. Left-wing publications have highlighted the issue, shedding light on the dangerous situations these workers face. The magazine InThesetimes.com discussed the challenges faced by these workers, including the risks they take to make a living.

Biden’s administration is trying to improve workplace safety for illegal immigrants by encouraging their participation in unions. However, this may result in further wage losses for American workers. The administration’s policies are also leading to a higher death toll among migrants lured to their deaths.

Some GOP politicians have raised concerns about the rising death toll among migrants, attributing it to Biden’s policies. Democrats, on the other hand, dismiss the death toll, claiming that the economy needs more workers.

The article also touched on the issue of mass rapes and sexual violence committed against migrants on their way to the United States. The government and media have been mostly silent on this issue.

Many illegal migrants also die from workplace accidents in GOP-run regions such as Texas. The confirmed migrant deaths are a small fraction of the overall rise in workplace deaths under Biden’s administration.

Overall, the policies of President Joe Biden are leading to a high number of deaths among illegal migrants and workers in the construction industry, highlighting the hidden costs of his progressive immigration policies.

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