Home Politics James Carville’s Outrageous Assertion: Jewish People Are ‘Whiter’ Than Palestinians

James Carville’s Outrageous Assertion: Jewish People Are ‘Whiter’ Than Palestinians

James Carville’s Outrageous Assertion: Jewish People Are ‘Whiter’ Than Palestinians


Democratic strategist James Carville made a provocative claim on the Politics War Room podcast, suggesting that Republican support for Israel is rooted in racism. According to Carville, conservatives tend to favor Israel because Jewish people are perceived as being “whiter” than Palestinians, which he believes makes them more deserving of support.

The remarks occurred at the 1:13:21 mark, below:

However, this assertion overlooks the fact that the majority of Israelis have non-European ancestry, and that many Israeli Jews share physical characteristics with Israeli Arabs and Palestinian Arabs, making them difficult to distinguish.

Carville also criticized pro-Palestinian protesters for targeting Democrats with their demonstrations, rather than Republicans. He argued that this strategy is misguided, as Democrats are more likely to be sympathetic to their cause. Carville characterized the protesters’ decision to focus on Democrats as “dumb-ass political” tactics, implying that they are misdirecting their efforts.

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