Home Politics James Carville Calls Democratic Party’s Choice ‘Idiotic’ if They Back Biden

James Carville Calls Democratic Party’s Choice ‘Idiotic’ if They Back Biden

James Carville Calls Democratic Party’s Choice ‘Idiotic’ if They Back Biden


Democratic strategist James Carville condemned the Democratic Party’s backing of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign during a recent CNN appearance. He called their stance “idiotic,” comparing the party’s decision-making process to a “ship of fools” from a college textbook.

According to Carville, the Democratic Party has suffered a significant decline in six crucial states. He expressed deep concerns over the party’s approach, criticizing leaders for being “desperate” and “cowardly” in their efforts to address key issues. In his opinion, such timidity has never led to victory, particularly in the face of fierce political adversaries.

Carville further elaborated that Senator Patty Murray, who has spent over three decades in the Senate, shares his concerns about Biden’s potential presidential run. He noted that her stance speaks volumes about Biden’s political future, suggesting that the Senator’s public declarations are more reliable indicators than statements made during camera-worthy speeches.

Concluding his assessment, Carville reiterated his long-standing doubts about Biden’s ability to succeed, should he decide to run for the presidency. In his view, backing such a candidate would be a calamitous mistake for the country’s future, leading to further losses and a damaged nation. He emphasized that recent poll numbers, which show Democratic party voters shifting away from them, confirm his concerns, asserting that, ultimately, the party’s setbacks harm the nation as a whole.

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