Home Politics Iowa AG accuses Biden of failing to uphold constitutional duties

Iowa AG accuses Biden of failing to uphold constitutional duties



Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird argues every state is a border state as the Biden administration fails to secure the country’s southern border.



  2. Trump must have known before all of this that putting himself above the law and above the Constitution might have a down side, even for him, who has never been held accountable for anything.

  3. The wall Trump said Mexico will pay, The wall Trump never finished. The wall that he stolen from the wall money and got caught. The wall that he told Republicans not to fix until he was back in office. The wall that Trump to to never pass bills for Joe. Overall Trump has in FACT got caught with this. Plus stealing the top secret files. Sharing and selling them helped start this war! Flip it all you want cult. If you EVER did any real research you will know my words are true. If you stopped following like sheep and think for your own self, you will see the light. Sadly they are lazy and way to gullible to ever put in the work to find the truth.

  4. Why does my comment keep getting deleted? It's a response to someone saying they are voting for Trump. I don't think I am breaking any community guidelines by saying "It's your constitutional right to vote for a rapist, lying, fraudster, anti-democracy, adultering, army dodging, tax dodging, low intelligence, divisive, aggressive, bully billionaire, trust fund man-child. It would be against your interests… but yea it's your right.". What is wrong with this comment?

  5. When the DOJ claimed Biden was mentally incompetent to be held accountable for his past crimes why was he allowed to remain in office. This administration is going to claim civil unrest has forced them to declare Martial Law and 100% mail in ballots are the only safe way to vote. They know they can't possible win the next election and they will use all the power of the Deep State to not allow that to happen. We are already doomed and don't know it.

  6. No one needs a mighty military nor high tech weapons and such to overrun a country and conquer it. Really all they have to do is put a secondhand Obama administration in the Presidents seat along with the politicians like Schumer funded by billionaire organizations and billionaires that mean to profit off of destruction and let greed do the rest. The United Nations lap dogs are flooding the country with migrants and are completely controlling everything. Of the immigrants by the immigrants and for the immigrants, America is dead and long live the United States Communist Republic Dictatorship. Criminals run the USCR now the good days are over and things will only get worse.

  7. The Federal Government should not be allowed to use Taxpayer money to engage in any effort that would be counter productive in insuring the safety and security of U.S. citizens. AKA Taxpayers.

  8. Our boarders are closed with covid Biden takes over and opens boarders Up🤔 These immigrants not Vetted nor Vaxed No one speaks Out! Goes to prove the CDC is compliant with this Administration🤔 aren't they supposed to protect us from spread of disease make sure All children have series of vaccines before School 🤔Yet not a peep!!

  9. To me it feels like an envy & jealousy for the American culture in the Mid-West…
    Hell-bent on turning our country into a "Third World State…"
    Simply overwhelming…
    Using our goodness against ourselves…
    Happening in plain sight…

  10. Biden is the worst president ever in our lifetime! Unbelievable damages to our country with finances & security for our nation. Defund & expell Biden & all his worthless democrats wrecking our country. Hold them all accountable, Don't let them walk away from their damages. 2024 Vote Republican Change 🇺🇸 TRUMP

  11. Hello Fox News❤

    America has a Homless Probblem. Mexico doesn't, because in Mexican Culture the off spring of the parents stay around the Mother and Father and don't move away when they physiologically mature to the age of 18 and 21.

    The Support Network is always There!

    # Perspective

    # TEDx🔴🔴🔴

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