Home Politics This Was Not Justice, Says Jonathan Turley

This Was Not Justice, Says Jonathan Turley

This Was Not Justice, Says Jonathan Turley


Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley and ‘The Five’ co-host Judge Jeanine Pirro join ‘America Reports’ to discuss the implications of the Trump trial and President Biden’s comments after the verdict.


  1. Faux news still hell bent on supporting a convicted felon. I guess faux wants to be complicit in the destruction of the constitution and democracy.

  2. Democraps: We finally got him, he’s a convicted felon!
    Normies: What did you charge him with?
    Democraps: His bookkeeper labeled payments to a lawyer legal expenses!
    Normies: 😑 Looks like I’m voting Trump 2024

  3. For The safety of Americans national security implications of a Israel Hamas attack on Gaza Lives, President Joe Biden can relocate U.S. military out of Israel and Saudi Arabia. GAZA has become a transgender policy of terrorism to innocent people

  4. Biden did not win the election ! If he did why won't they allow a recount making sure all 80 million voters were legitimate but no ! This next election will probably be rigged to using illegal alien terrorists supposedly voting for biden or else deportation

  5. This was a persecution of a republican by 100% Democrats in a Democrat district by Democrat, judge in a democrat state and all Democrat jurors.. THIS WAS NOT A JURY OF TRUMP’S PEERS.. They don’t even come close.

  6. The Justice system should only be respected if the judge mentioned actually said what crime trump has committed , and there was actual evidence. I think Joe Biden any other Democrats paid the judge to say that Trump is guilty without saying he’s actually guilty of an actually having evidence.

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