Home U.S. Industry Expert Concerned About Shortage of Skilled Blue-Collar Workers

Industry Expert Concerned About Shortage of Skilled Blue-Collar Workers



Former construction worker Ken Rusk elaborates on the importance of skilled labor jobs.


  1. This is not new. I am old enough to remember in the 50s when I was in high school with a college prep curriculum that I wanted to take mechanical drawing. I was denied because I was a college prep student. College was seen as the golden ticket to wealth for the average American.

  2. Lazy youth, welfare society, why work? My husband and l met for lunch after my AM volunteering in retail work and he going to his evening shift blue collar job. As we sat and ate a family with 5 kids sat down. Each child all under 12 pulled out cell phones.
    After we ate he left for work and l stayed and talked to the manager about his inability to get reliable workers. They all want to be management but don’t want to put in work. Then we have the ignorant college privileged.
    Yep the world is f’ed. You can’t just blame this administration, this didn’t happen overnight. Biden is dangerous, but can’t blame him for bad parenting of your children. Plenty of opportunities all my 30 something nieces and nephews work hard. One is a charter school teacher and those kids with all their freebies Will not even work as a candy striper but they want to be doctors. 😂

  3. Well it could it be the design of math that the schools are teaching. Or the ability to be a dog or cat.Or whatever you may be. Instead of actually educating our youth. In the last ten years the young ones that come into the company's trade skills. Have no common sense.Have no ambition and need a safe room. It's time to start telling our children in school to put your big boy.Boots on act like a human being. Words don't hurt. Leave your feelings in your lunch box.Don't bring em to work. Suck it up and move forward. But.
    No you teach them to have safe places and to pee in the litter box. And common core math.

  4. I’m a high school teacher in NYC and schools not like teachers to tell students that college may not be their best choice. Nyc schools make millions from college recruitment

  5. remember, essential workers weren't compensated during the pandemic like non-essential workers…fathers risked their lives as other fathers sheltered in place, simply due to their vocations and skill sets……NEVER AGAIN

  6. There is people wanting to work they cant pay for schooling or dont qualify for it …Start making it easier people to grow and learn and stop the restrictions you have workers..plus some of these companies want skeleton teams with low pay to do big jobs so the owner doubles income i know people certified in different careers and still have to do side jobs to bring in more money.

  7. Long time ago parents wasn't working 60 hour a week jobs, in fact now its BOTH PARENTS!! Who will teach them to not eat laundry detergent!?

    We don't need a Cost of Living RAISE we need a Price of Living REDUCTION!!

    Let me review a seldomly known fact. We send billions to Ukraine and it is not amount of money sent but the value, in WW2.. 200,000 was equal to 7,000,000,000 now..

    We need to balance our spending by percentage not by dollars.. when you tell people 0.03% is spent of national education but 12% is spent supporting Ukraine, they look at it on the value of a Dollar.. 3 pennies for your kids education but $10+ for Ukraine they might care!!

  8. ….trades aren't worth it anymore…….they don't pay enough…..can't write off vehicle expenses on taxes ……crunch the numbers, see if one can sustain home ownership working in any trade…..

  9. Good thing we have humanoid robots that are getting the arms and legs to do their jobs. Soon we will have trade craft models that train in rendered worlds. Running at 1000x, in 500 different renders. Haha and you think your safe lol

  10. Well i mean think about it, you have to join the union to get paid good money otherwise youre way better off doing something in the digital space. Why would any young adult want to sign up for a job that doesnt pay well that destroys your body?

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