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In Captivity for 6 Years, Leah Sharibu, Christian Schoolgirl Abducted by Boko Haram, Celebrates her 21st Birthday

In Captivity for 6 Years, Leah Sharibu, Christian Schoolgirl Abducted by Boko Haram, Celebrates her 21st Birthday


Nigerian Christians gathered in protest on Tuesday, expressing their frustration with the government’s failure to address the threat of radical Islamist terrorism. This demonstration coincided with the 21st birthday of Leah Sharibu, a Christian who has been held captive by Boko Haram for several years.

Leah Sharibu was abducted along with a group of girls in Nigeria in 2018 by Boko Haram terrorists. Despite the release of all the other girls involved in the abduction, Leah remained captive because she refused to convert to Islam. Her father, Nathan Sharibu, expressed sadness over her captivity but also pride in her steadfast commitment to her Christian faith.

The protesters called on the Nigerian government to take action to secure Leah’s release, along with other girls who have been held by Boko Haram for an extended period of time. They highlighted the government’s failure to protect Christian communities from jihadist violence and demanded stronger measures to address the ongoing security challenges in the country.

Sharibu’s parents also issued a statement on her birthday, urging the government to prioritize her release and emphasizing her unwavering faith in the face of adversity. Despite limited information on her current situation, reports suggest that she may have been forced into marriage and motherhood by her captors.

The protests and calls for action underscore the ongoing challenges faced by Christians in Nigeria and the urgent need for effective government intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals like Leah Sharibu who remain in captivity.

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