Home World Imminent Israeli Military Operation in Rafah as Hamas Rejects Hostage Deal

Imminent Israeli Military Operation in Rafah as Hamas Rejects Hostage Deal

Imminent Israeli Military Operation in Rafah as Hamas Rejects Hostage Deal


Netanyahu has announced that Palestinians in the Gaza war zone are being directed by the Israel Defense Forces to evacuate to an “expanded humanitarian zone” north of Rafah in preparation for a military operation to remove Hamas from the area. Netanyahu emphasized that Israel will stand alone if necessary, but there is global support for their cause. Defense Secretary Austin has stressed the need for Israel to have a credible plan to protect civilians and maintain humanitarian aid during any military operation. Aid organizations have warned of a famine crisis in northern Gaza, while Israel denies reports of starvation. The Biden administration has been silent on reports of withheld military support to Israel. Ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas have ended without a deal following an attack on an aid chokepoint. The international community continues to monitor the situation in the region closely.

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