Home Politics Illinois lawmakers push to criminalize sexual relationships between educators and 18-year-old students

Illinois lawmakers push to criminalize sexual relationships between educators and 18-year-old students

Illinois lawmakers push to criminalize sexual relationships between educators and 18-year-old students


In Illinois, there is currently no law prohibiting educators or staff members from engaging in a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old student. However, some Republican lawmakers are working to change this. State Rep. Amy Elik has introduced House Bill 4241 in Springfield, which aims to create the offense of abuse of authority by an educator or authority figure to protect students aged 18 and older in high school.

Under Elik’s proposed legislation, abuse by a teacher involving sexual conduct would be classified as a Class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class 4 felony for any subsequent offenses. The sponsors of the bill argue that criminal charges are necessary to prevent offenders from leaving their positions and potentially harming other children. State Sen. Terri Bryant expressed urgency in addressing this issue, stating that some teachers groom students at ages 15, 16, and 17 so that they can engage in relationships with them once they turn 18 without facing criminal charges.

House Bill 4241 received unanimous approval in the House last month, and Elik is urging the Illinois Senate to pass the bill before the end of the spring session. She emphasized the importance of providing students with the necessary protections they deserve. The measure is currently being reviewed in a Senate committee, with legislators set to return for the final week of the scheduled session on Monday.

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