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Illinois Governor Cites Trump’s Lack of Leadership in Delayed Response to Border Crisis

Illinois Governor Cites Trump’s Lack of Leadership in Delayed Response to Border Crisis


Illinois Governor JB Pritzker defended the Biden administration’s delay in addressing the border crisis, attributing the issue to former President Donald Trump’s lack of efforts to improve US relations with Central and South American countries.

During a CNN interview on Tuesday, Pritzker replied to a question on why it took months for the Biden administration to respond to the crisis, saying, “You have to remember that Joe Biden, known for his bipartisanship, presented a border security bill, but it was Donald Trump who rejected it, leading to the problem’s persistence.”

Pritzker emphasized that comprehensive immigration reform is necessary to fix the issue, citing Democrats’ longstanding support for it, including Presidents Biden and Harris.

When pressed on the administration’s response, Pritzker stated, “Issuing executive orders alone is insufficient; negotiations with Mexican and Central American leaders are necessary to manage the crisis effectively.”

He claimed that under Trump, the US didn’t have robust relations with Central and South American countries, contributing to the border crisis’s escalation. Pritzker expressed his enthusiasm for Harris’s leadership on this issue, declaring that Republicans have consistently obstructed progress and that Trump seeks to revert to the status quo of sending jobs abroad.

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