Home Politics Illinois Democrats Increase Power Through Direct Assault on Democracy

Illinois Democrats Increase Power Through Direct Assault on Democracy

Illinois Democrats Increase Power Through Direct Assault on Democracy


The recent actions taken by Democrats in Illinois have raised concerns about their impact on the republic. Governor J.B. Pritzker and his Democratic colleagues swiftly signed a bill that eliminates the practice of slating candidates, giving the party more control over the election process. This move has been criticized by Senate GOP leader John Curran, who accused Democrats of changing the rules midstream to benefit their favored candidates.

The bill has sparked accusations of hypocrisy, as Democrats in Wisconsin have also been accused of manipulating district maps to maintain their power. Similar tactics are being employed in both states to ensure the dominance of the Democratic party. This pattern of behavior highlights the true intentions of these left-leaning politicians, who claim to be protecting democracy while undermining the electoral process.

The hasty passing of the amendment in Illinois, which limited debate and opposition, further underscores the Democrats’ disregard for transparent and fair governance. The media’s lack of coverage on these concerning developments has raised questions about their role in holding politicians accountable.

Overall, the recent actions of Democrats in Illinois and Wisconsin demonstrate a troubling trend of power consolidation and manipulation in the name of democracy. The lack of scrutiny and accountability in these instances highlights the need for a more transparent and equitable electoral process.

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