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Hungary Rolling Out Red Carpet for Xi Jinping on Belt and Road European Tour

Hungary Rolling Out Red Carpet for Xi Jinping on Belt and Road European Tour


The governments of China and Hungary have confirmed that Xi Jinping, a genocidal dictator, will be visiting Budapest between May 8 and May 10 as part of his European tour. This visit comes after an invitation from Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who is known to be one of Xi’s closest allies in Europe.

Hungary was the first European country to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and has welcomed Chinese investment and cooperation with Xi’s Communist Party. Xi also has friendly relations with French President Emmanuel Macron and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, with Serbia being a member of the BRI.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry announced the European tour, which will start in France on May 5. This visit is significant as it coincides with the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary.

Orbán’s close ties with Xi and China are surprising given his vocal condemnations of Marxism. The BRI is a cornerstone of their friendship, with Orbán attending the annual Belt and Road Forum in Beijing to promote Chinese projects and investments.

During Xi’s visit, the focus will be on strengthening economic and trade relations between Hungary and China. Hungary was the first European country to administer a Chinese-made vaccine, highlighting their strong relationship with China.

Orbán has expressed support for the Belt and Road Initiative, praising its potential to bring positive changes to the world. Their previous meetings have resulted in agreements to enhance cooperation in various sectors.

Overall, Xi Jinping’s visit to Hungary underscores the growing relationship between the two countries, especially in the economic and trade sectors.

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