Home Videos How Caliphates Are Formed: Insights from a Former Taliban Negotiator

How Caliphates Are Formed: Insights from a Former Taliban Negotiator



Former Taliban negotiator Adam Boehler discusses NYPD officer facing off with anti-Israel protesters outside Columbia University.


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    M – Campaign from the criminal court hallway
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  2. "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in trouble. As in, facing a non-zero risk of losing his job trouble. And this political drama could have a profound effect on Israel’s approach to the conflict with Palestine.Netanyahu’s poll numbers since the October 7 Hamas massacre have been grim: one recent survey found that a staggering 80 percent of Israelis held him personally responsible for failing to prevent the Hamas attack; another found trust in the government at a 20-year low”. – Israeli press.

  3. "Shock at Attack, Fury at Failure: How Netanyahu’s Approval Ratings Have Hit Rock Bottom in Israel. New polls show Israelis believe the Hamas attack exposed a domestic 'leadership debacle'; two-thirds prefer literally anyone but Netanyahu to be Israel’s next prime minister." — Haaretz of Israel

  4. “Shameful that a man like that (Trump), a former U.S. president, abets propaganda and disseminates things that wound the spirit of Israel’s fighters and its citizens. Thankfully he's gone. We don’t have to bother with him and the nonsense he spouts,”– Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi

  5. “Where is Yair Netanyahu? Why are some in Israel angry with Benjamin Netanyahu's son? While Israel has called up over 300,000 reservists to fight Hamas, Yair Netanyahu is not among them. The controversial and outspoken son of Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly in Florida’s Miami enjoying the beaches and sunshine while the country is at war with Hamas”

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