Home Politics Hollywood Reporter Acknowledges Impact of ‘Divisive Politics’ on Star Appeal

Hollywood Reporter Acknowledges Impact of ‘Divisive Politics’ on Star Appeal

Hollywood Reporter Acknowledges Impact of ‘Divisive Politics’ on Star Appeal


The far-left Hollywood Reporter (THR) reached out to me almost a decade ago after I criticized Seth Rogen’s political rants for hurting the box office of the movie Steve Jobs. THR wanted me to explain my position, and thankfully the interview was accurately reported by Paul Bond. I used facts and logic to back up my point, and even predicted that Quentin Tarantino’s controversial statements would negatively impact The Hateful Eight’s box office success.

Since then, THR has ignored me, but I am proud of standing by my beliefs. It is evident that divisive celebrities can harm their appeal and bottom line. Finally, THR has acknowledged that divisive political statements can hurt a star’s appeal, but only if it goes against the leftist cause.

It is interesting that THR is now admitting the truth about a particular star’s divisive political stances, when they have never done so before for other leftist celebrities. It turns out the star in question is Jerry Seinfeld, who spoke a truth that damaged the leftist cause.

In the end, it is good to see that my previous assertions have been vindicated, even if it took ten years for THR to admit it.

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