Home Politics Hispanic Caucus Rejects Biden’s Bill Due to Lack of Amnesty

Hispanic Caucus Rejects Biden’s Bill Due to Lack of Amnesty

Hispanic Caucus Rejects Biden’s Bill Due to Lack of Amnesty


The Congressional Hispanic Caucus is vowing to oppose an immigration expansion bill, supported by President Joe Biden, because it does not include provisions offering amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

Biden’s lobbying for the bill comes as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) expressed his intention to bring the legislation to a Senate vote this week.

“The Senate border bill once again fails to meet the moment by putting forth enforcement-only policies and failing to include provisions that will keep families together,” Barragan said in a statement:

As written, the bill excludes critical protections and legal pathways for families, farm workers and America’s DREAMers who have been in the U.S. contributing to our nation’s communities and economy for decades.
[Emphasis added]

Barragan emphasized that “any bipartisan solution” must include the DREAM Act and Farm Workforce Modernization Act, both of which would provide green cards and eventual American citizenship to millions of undocumented individuals.

“If this bill passes, it will set back real comprehensive immigration reform by years,” Barragan commented.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) indicated that if the bill is approved by the Senate, it will be dead on arrival in the House.

Passing the bill remains a challenging task as Senate Republicans oppose it, alongside far-left Democrats like Senators Alex Padilla (D-CA) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ).

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