Home Politics Harvard’s Graduation Speaker Dilemma as 10 Guests Decline Offer

Harvard’s Graduation Speaker Dilemma as 10 Guests Decline Offer

Harvard’s Graduation Speaker Dilemma as 10 Guests Decline Offer


Harvard College is facing difficulties in securing a speaker for its upcoming graduation ceremony due to ongoing protests and controversy on campus. According to a report by the Harvard Crimson, more than 10 invited speakers have declined the offer to be the keynote speaker at the annual Class Day event for undergraduate seniors. Reasons for the refusals include a reluctance to be associated with Harvard during a tumultuous year, scheduling conflicts, and high honorarium requests.

The backlash against Harvard stems from its initial response to Hamas’ attack on Israel, as well as the presence of a pro-Palestine protest in Harvard Yard, which has raised concerns about the logistics of upcoming graduation ceremonies. Despite a statement from a Harvard College spokesperson denying that the controversy was a factor in the speakers’ refusals, the Harvard Crimson seems to suggest otherwise.

Class Day, typically a lighthearted event held the day before formal commencement, has featured notable speakers in the past, including President Joe Biden, Sheryl Sandberg, Larry Wilmore, and Ali G (Sacha Baron Cohen). The recent increase in the encampment protest at Harvard Yard has led to the suspension of participating students, as activists reportedly breached locks on the gates to allow non-university-affiliated individuals to join the demonstration.

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