Home Politics Hakeem Jeffries cautions of potential consequences in a post-Roe landscape

Hakeem Jeffries cautions of potential consequences in a post-Roe landscape

Hakeem Jeffries cautions of potential consequences in a post-Roe landscape


Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) has emphasized the importance of abortion as a key issue heading into the upcoming election in November. He believes that the Democratic Party’s platform could be greatly impacted by the outcome of this issue. In a recent interview on 60 Minutes, Jeffries made a case for more Democratic candidates to win seats in the House this fall.

Jeffries expressed deep concerns about the erosion of reproductive freedom by extreme MAGA Republicans and highlighted the potential consequences if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned. He stressed the significance of fighting for reproductive rights as they are fundamental to freedom. Jeffries warned that if Roe v. Wade falls, other essential rights and protections, such as Social Security, Medicare, and voting rights, could also be at risk, posing a threat to democracy itself.

As the House minority leader, Jeffries could potentially become the speaker if the Democrats secure a majority in the House. Currently, the Republican Party holds a slight majority with 218 members compared to 213 Democratic members. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is up for reelection in 2024, along with Jeffries.

Meanwhile, Speaker Johnson has been facing challenges to his leadership from within his own party. Some Republican representatives, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, and Thomas Massie, have expressed dissatisfaction with Johnson’s approach and have motioned to remove him from his position. These representatives were not involved in the previous ousting of Johnson’s predecessor, Rep. Kevin McCarthy.

Jeffries follows in the footsteps of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who served for two terms and a total of nine years in leadership. Pelosi retired from the role in 2022 but continues to serve in the House.

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