Home Politics Guy Benson Criticizes Biden’s ‘Pandering’ as Moral Cowardice

Guy Benson Criticizes Biden’s ‘Pandering’ as Moral Cowardice



‘The Guy Benson Show’ host Guy Benson and political strategist Lucy Caldwell join ‘MediaBuzz’ to discuss President Biden’s Holocaust speech and his media presence amid campus unrest.


  1. He needs to go with so simple. He’s the worst president we’ve ever had and I mean the worst and I 65 years he’s the worst and I hope there won’t be another worse. That’s worse than he is.

  2. MORAL COWARDICE? Look no further than the House Republicans who refused to vote to vacate Speaker Johnson … Also, look no further than FOX News for condemning MTG!! — Israel is not our friend; they hate Christians & our country. The moral cowardice is all the sucking up to a nation that despises us because we don’t practice the Talmudic Kabbalah

  3. It’s about time someone put Biden in his place! Every word out of that evil snakes mouth is a lie! It will be so great when squinty eyes is gone! President Trump 24 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. If biden wins, as things stsnd right now. The only way this could possibly happen would be for the democrats to have cheated with the results. I voted for Biden in 2020. And the way democrats behaved through bidens term. It was the last time I'd ever vote Democrat. And i know lots of democrats who feel the same way. TRUMP 2024, FJB.

  5. If you really want to know why Biden isn't worried about the current situation of the country and our standing in the world, just go back to the 2020 election! Fox and multiple people with platforms think everything was legit and here we are now! What a disgrace we are and what a bunch of cowards we have with the exception of a few! Go figure it out, I am sick of all the talk!

  6. Everybody has now experienced and lived through two very differing terms of presidency by two very different presidents. it's quite clear to me who best suits americas and who doesn't, and if the choices are the same for November's election, only one man wins ! this election is as important as any time in american political history. The stakes couldn't be higher literally. Everything's you thought you knew and is on the line. It's not an exaduration. it's a fact one wrong move, and it's over !

  7. I have pity for those who were duped into the MAGA cult. I'm sure that it's not pleasant to wake up every morning, and know that the best part of your life is in the rear-view mirror, and that all that is left is to get sick, and be forgotten.

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