Home Politics Gutfeld: This Has Become a Cardinal Sin

Gutfeld: This Has Become a Cardinal Sin

Gutfeld: This Has Become a Cardinal Sin


Fox News host Greg Gutfeld gives his take on women pushing men away from the Democratic Party on ‘Gutfeld!’


  1. Both are bad? I disagree Charlemagne. Trump is good, Biden is bad, people are delusional to think Biden is the good guy in this case, seriously wake tf up

  2. Hey Charlemagne No you don’t if you clearly look like a woman I’m gonna call you a woman you’re clearly a man I’m gonna call you a man there’s nothing in between and you keep trying to pump that down our throats America’s tired of it man do not belong in women’s sports buddy but you sure think they do

  3. For Charlemagne to assume that all women vote Democrat just shows the bubble that moron lives in. He has zero credibility stop listening to this fool and giving him money. Stupid people

  4. Charlemagne what a moron. Just because lazy people listen to this idiot because they have nothing else to do doesn't mean he has anything to say. What a moron. I love Fox putting idiots on like him and Bill Maher on to show what morons they really are. Their audience has to watch too. I turn the channel as soon as the moron starts talking. The first few minutes of the monologue or all I watch of the Gutfeld show. Listening to a black moron does nothing for me

  5. How on EARTH does Charlemain tha god, call himself the god in the first place, have any merit as an influencer? People get famous cause thier unintelligent audience need some putz to follow.
    That tells me you need zero skills or brains to be someone.

  6. Second nonsensical guest you have on here plugging a book. Maher was so disrespectful, he interrupted your monologue. Then insulted your viewers. Now you have this guy on here calling himself a "god." Thumbs down. This show is showing signs of jumping the shark.

  7. The one thing Hilary had going for her was the female blue down the line vote. My teachers even moronically stated, "how cool would it be to have a female president?" Hillary, you cheated and you had 50pct of the rest of the vote handed to you….and you still lost

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