Home Politics Fraud Shuts Down Flights Carrying Undocumented Immigrants

Fraud Shuts Down Flights Carrying Undocumented Immigrants

Fraud Shuts Down Flights Carrying Undocumented Immigrants


The Biden administration’s open border policies have led to a surge in reports of domestic flights carrying large numbers of undocumented immigrants. However, it appears that this practice has been halted due to widespread instances of fraud.

While this development may provide some temporary relief, the underlying issue remains unresolved. A more effective solution would be to identify and deport these individuals, rather than simply stopping the flights. Immigration has proven to be a vulnerable spot for the Biden administration, and it’s an area where Republicans could focus their efforts.

Rather than getting bogged down in peripheral issues, such as Vice President Kamala Harris’ racial identity, which has been questioned even by liberal media outlets, Republicans would be better served to highlight Harris’ extensive record of radical policy positions. By focusing on substance over spectacle, Republicans can gain traction on an issue that has the potential to resonate with voters.

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