Home U.S. Former police commissioner: We need to ‘stop’ this as soon as possible

Former police commissioner: We need to ‘stop’ this as soon as possible

Former police commissioner: We need to ‘stop’ this as soon as possible


Former NYC police commissioner Ray Kelly discusses the need to combat rising gang activity on ‘The Story.’


  1. The prevalence, and extreme ease of access to firearms, along with lax laws and regulations concerning them, is what allows violent gangs (amongst a myriad of other horrible things) to thrive in America. To see any real, tangible change overall, the way firearms are regarded in America, and the laws governing their use, would need to change dramatically, along with how gang affiliation is prosecuted. Given the countless tragedies that happen daily across the country already aren't enough to move the needle, that isn't likely to happen, so get used to it, I guess. This is a direct result of misguided, and shortsighted, so-called "freedom".

  2. New York City is safer than it's been in generations, but there was an alarming jump in the crime rate inside the New York Police Department during Kelly's regime. Members of the country's biggest police force were charged with fixing parking tickets, smuggling guns and even planting drugs on innocent people. Kelly is a stain on the police force just like his buddy Guiliani, at least the stain is not running down his head.

  3. The fact that this is an issue in the United States is a testament to the dangers of an open border and why America needs a course correction or we are going to end up a disaster

  4. USA have to control iligal immigration. For example I am for Serbia and if We want to go in Germany or EU to work, we have to wait a lot of time and documentation to get permission. No one there to go iligaly.

  5. The Democrat Party & Joe Biden should be forced to pay for this major clean up. They caused it against I feel our laws so they can pay to clean this huge mess up. Hunter just blow Joes money on women drugs & booze anyway.

  6. You have 25 days of fear mongering. It did not work in 2018 with Trumps caravan, did not work in 2020, did jot work in 2022, and now 2024. The polls, in my opinion, are almost BS. We did show up in 2020 and 2022! 81,283,501 million of us fired Trump and many more this year!

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