Home Politics Former Planned Parenthood President Rallies Democrats on Abortion Rights

Former Planned Parenthood President Rallies Democrats on Abortion Rights

Former Planned Parenthood President Rallies Democrats on Abortion Rights


Cecile Richards, the former president of Planned Parenthood, took the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Wednesday night to deliver a passionate speech about the importance of reproductive freedom. Richards declared that women are “unstoppable” when they have the autonomy to make choices about their own bodies, including the decision to have an abortion.

Richards reflected on the impact of the Roe v. Wade reversal, saying that it has stripped a generation of young people of their freedom to make their own decisions about their lives. She shared a personal anecdote about her own experience as a new grandmother, highlighting the importance of prioritizing her daughter’s health during pregnancy.

However, Richards’ tone shifted when she spoke about a 12-year-old rape survivor in Mississippi who was forced to carry her pregnancy to term due to the state’s abortion ban. Richards seemed to lament the fact that the girl was not able to access an abortion, instead being forced to start seventh grade as a new mother.

Richards’ speech was a rallying cry for the Democratic Party’s stance on abortion, with the former Planned Parenthood president endorsing Kamala Harris, who has been a vocal supporter of reproductive rights. Despite her own personal health struggles, including a recent brain cancer diagnosis, Richards vowed to continue fighting for access to abortion.

The partnership between Democrats and Planned Parenthood was on full display at the convention, with the abortion giant’s political arm working to elect candidates who support reproductive freedom. Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood affiliates are working to put abortion on the ballot in nearly a dozen states, hoping to enshrine the right to abortion in state constitutions.

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