Home Politics Former CNN Reporter Reacts Strongly to Dinner with MAGA Supporters

Former CNN Reporter Reacts Strongly to Dinner with MAGA Supporters



Former CNN White House correspondent Michelle Kosinski recently shared her experience at a dinner with individuals she referred to as “closeted” “MAGAts” in a series of tweets. “MAGAts” is a derogatory term for Trump supporters. Kosinski described how these people, who initially seemed educated and successful, began revealing their true political beliefs over the course of the evening. She expressed shock and disappointment at their views, particularly regarding climate change and politics.

Kosinski’s tweets highlighted her disdain for those with different beliefs, portraying them as uninformed and dangerous. She questioned how people living in information bubbles could ever learn the truth. Despite her judgmental attitude, Kosinski herself has been accused of spreading conspiracy theories and unethical behavior.

It is clear that Kosinski holds a highly elitist and intolerant worldview, despite her role in the media. Her biased views and lack of exposure to differing opinions undermine her credibility as a journalist. It is concerning that someone with such extreme beliefs was able to hold a position at CNN for so long. Her behavior at the dinner and subsequent tweets reveal a deep-seated bias and contempt for those with opposing views.

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