Home Politics Former Attorney General Claims Trump Case is a “Card Trick”

Former Attorney General Claims Trump Case is a “Card Trick”



Former acting attorney general Matt Whitaker reacts to the latest from New York v. Trump.


  1. MAGAs then: Clinton cheated on Hillary! Unfit for office! Impeach!
    MAGAs now: Trump cheated on Melania! Totally legal! God told him to do it!
    Bless your little MAGA hearts.

  2. UN-bias searches show right media just make fools of their viewers. Republican states are clearly the worst. Copy search headings Google image is best. What the Numbers Tell Us About the U.S. Drug Crisis Pharma Donations Flow to GOP Lawmakers Big Pharma Is Ripping Off America Health care ranking by states map Average life expectancy by states map Infant deaths by states map House Republican Cuts for Kids by the Numbers Republican vote tracker Average education by states map Federal funding abuse by states map Average wage by states map Prison population by states map Long term poverty by states map America’s high homicide rate and the most guns Child and Teen Firearm Mortality in the U.S. and Peer Countries Gun deaths by states map NRA election donations Republican gun ads Indictments crimes by US Presidential administration Republican Indictments crimes vs Democrat Indictments crimes Economies by Presidents administrations Republican economies vs Democrat economies Which States Are Contributing the Most to U.S. GDP?

  3. This is all election interference. Adultery isn’t illegal. I could do it and I still wouldn’t get arrested. They hate trump and are trying everything in their power to stop him for doing the right thing. Anyone who wants him in prison doesn’t like him. He never actually committed a crime

  4. What a giant bunch of crybabies you Trumpers are. It's not like the facts are in dispute or you can't point to the exact law he broke. Have fun watching his support tank and he starts losing to Biden by 10% or more. Trump will likely rage shart his giant diaper.

  5. Everything they do to Trump fails but it’s all they got. What they gonna do try to beat him honest? They ain’t going to quit with this they already got a new scheme for when this fails.

  6. As years pass by, the 'witch hunt' card is the card at play aII the time. Is't simpIe, there's a crime or not. Fact of the matter is that Michael Cohen did time for it, so there's definitely a crime and the only actual beneficiaries in that transaction were Trump and Daniels.

  7. 😂😂😂Ahhhh ha ha ha. The GOP, law and order party will have a convicted felon as their nominee.. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ahhhhh ha ha ha

  8. Harris, I realize facts aren't your thing. The paperwork trail is proof of the crime! Even 100% loyal Hope Hicks admitted in court that President Trump told her he paid off Stormy before election so it couldn't hurt him.

  9. Each day this drags on is just proving the point of how currupt this goverment "system" has become.
    May as well just put biden in the judges chair for liberials to like him more.

  10. Trumpty Dumbty is having his great fall, and all the Fox bootlickers and turd polishers and all the dumbest MAGA CHUDs in the Trump show parking lot will not be able to put him back together again.

  11. Even right media is getting worried that their biggest news source will be taken from them. Whatever will they report on to keep their ratings up?? 😂 🤣 😂

  12. Brandon is not a solution to our problem, Brandon is the problem. … Brandon does not solve problems; he subsidizes them. Brandon's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it. … The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that Brandon spends too much. Trump 2024! God bless All Americans!

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