Home Politics Dr. Jordan Peterson: Democrats are using 'manipulative behavior'

Dr. Jordan Peterson: Democrats are using 'manipulative behavior'

Dr. Jordan Peterson: Democrats are using 'manipulative behavior'


Dr. Jordan Peterson analyzes Democrats’ campaign tactics on a psychological level on ‘One Nation.’


  1. Democrats always lie to get votes. And if they were telling the truth,then Kamala Harris is saying give me a promotion so I can attempt to fix all the damage and sufferings she caused. The audacity, the insult to Americans.

  2. They're finally "waking up"? They were never asleep in the first place. They're only changing their ways because they know that Trump is probably going to win. They realize they won't be able to keep these policies going.

  3. FACTS. Not FOX

    Breaking: "CULT LEADER Donald Jail Trump holds a press con/rally to REASSURE America HE IS UNFIT FOR OFFICE" 😂😂😂😮😮😮😊😊😊👍👍👍😋😋😋🤪🤪🤪😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣😫😫😫🤩🤩🤩😰😰😰🤕🤕🤕😜😜😜

  4. Pennsylvania Republican official: Trump is not a good guy. Everyone can see it. Just look at what he said last night about wounded veterans. As long as he's on the top of the ticket, we're just going to keep losing 👈🏻

  5. The only people that will fall for it are people that want to fall for it. We see what they did last time around. Joe promised to bring us all together, to fight for all Americans. Instead he and Kamala have worked very hard to ignore half of us and pander to outrageous groups. I pray this doesn’t work this time around. We’ve suffered enough.

  6. I remember having this female professor and right off the bat when she introduced herself she let it be known that she was an atheist and would not allow us to mention God period or she'd go off on you.

    Mind you this was an American Government class, in a public college.

  7. There is nothing being straightened out in higher education. They are now, and have been, indoctrination centers. This nation's problems has deep roots. The only way to get this corrected is by national repentance through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  8. "Democrats are using manipulative behaviour?" Why Jordy,, why in the world would they do that you reckon? They can just tell their minions how great things are and they manipulate themselves into believing it…with very little effort on their part….."things are great!!" A Jedi hand gesture, with a wink, and the next day they front page says, "Greatest ever" , while they boiling old shoe leather to eat…

  9. harris says requiring IDs is racist. She requires ID to attend her events. Then she's all for a woman's body, a woman's choice. That is unless you're a female working on her campaign then she mandates the vaccine. What a fu-king hypocrite.

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