Home Politics Donald Trump: This Decision Was ‘Rigged’ from the Start

Donald Trump: This Decision Was ‘Rigged’ from the Start

Donald Trump: This Decision Was ‘Rigged’ from the Start


Former President Trump shreds the NY v. Trump decision.


  1. ! He is guilty people. I cannot believe that all you people believe this convicted, liar he is taking advantage of all of you. He just wants your money. He can’t afford to live on his own think about it. He rigged the 2016 election then he took all the information files from the White House and gave it to Russia, it’s not that hard to figure out. Then he was upset when it didn’t work again in 2020 I’d like to know what you all think he did for you. He gave tax breaks to the rich himself. He didn’t do or give you anything. Trump got to live off Obama’s economics for at least 3 years, everyone you knows it takes a while for your bills to catch up with you. Your lights don’t get shut off right away. They don’t come right away, think about it

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