Home Politics Donald Trump Introduces 18-Year-Old Son Barron to Rally Crowd

Donald Trump Introduces 18-Year-Old Son Barron to Rally Crowd

Donald Trump Introduces 18-Year-Old Son Barron to Rally Crowd


Donald Trump introduced his 18-year-old son Barron to the crowd at a rally near Miami, Florida, as part of a series of shoutouts to family members and supporters. The former president described Barron as a “very young man” who had just turned 18 and was now attending college, having gotten into every school he applied to.

As Barron stood up to acknowledge the applause, Donald Trump praised him as a “very good guy” and “my boy.” He emphasized that this was Barron’s first campaign rally appearance, and the crowd responded with enthusiastic applause.

Donald Trump continued to heap praise on his son, joking that Barron might be more popular than his other sons, Don and Eric. He also referenced Barron’s easy life, saying that it had changed since he began making public appearances.

Barron Trump’s growing visibility has been marked by a series of public appearances, including a dinner event in the spring and a leaked video showing him golfing with his father. Notably, Ivanka Trump was absent from the rally, reflecting her decision to withdraw from politics. Barron’s mother, former first lady Melania Trump, was also not in attendance.

It was reported that Barron Trump was asked to be a Florida delegate at the Republican National Convention, but he declined.

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