Home Politics Donald Trump Commends Police for Arresting ‘Radical Left Extremists’ on College Campuses

Donald Trump Commends Police for Arresting ‘Radical Left Extremists’ on College Campuses

Donald Trump Commends Police for Arresting ‘Radical Left Extremists’ on College Campuses


Former President Donald Trump commended police officers for arresting a group of “radical left” individuals protesting against Israel at Columbia University and UCLA. The arrests followed incidents of unrest, including the seizure of a university building in Columbia and the removal of protestors from UCLA’s campus.

Trump, positioning himself as the “law and order” candidate, criticized the actions of the protestors and emphasized the importance of stopping such movements from the left. He expressed his pride in law enforcement officers in New York and Los Angeles for their handling of the situations.

The protests have spread to various college campuses across the country, causing concern among some Democrats about potential backlash in the upcoming election. With the protests dominating headlines, the impact on voters’ decisions in November remains uncertain.

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