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Unveiling the Democrat Activists Within the Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General

Christine Monta


The Department of Justice, specifically its Office of Inspector General (OIG), is portrayed as independent and nonpartisan, but records reveal that it is staffed by Democrat activists aiming to target their political adversaries.

The OIG’s investigations into Trump’s Justice Department, particularly Attorney General William Barr’s actions, have shown clear partisan bias. Even though many Americans wanted more election integrity efforts in 2020, Democrat officials in the OIG criticized Trump appointees for acknowledging discarded Trump ballots found in Pennsylvania. Despite extensive investigations, no violations of laws or policies were discovered.

Partisan Democrats in the OIG are also probing Trump appointees for requesting data from governors of certain states related to Covid-19 nursing home policies.

Trust in the DOJ has declined due to its involvement in the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative, alliance with the Biden family, and targeting of specific groups. The OIG, with over 500 members, fails to address the internal misconduct at the DOJ and FBI.

The OIG is compromised by partisan Democrat activists like Christine Monta, Jennifer Smith Ramella, and Deborah Zerwitz, who have a history of supporting left-wing causes. Their social media activity reveals strong biases against Republicans, the Trump administration, and conservative values.

The OIG’s culture mirrors that of other DOJ offices, with examples like Jake Klonoski sympathizing with Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information and leaking reports to tarnish Trump’s image before the 2020 election.

The lack of accountability within the OIG contributes to the DOJ’s current issues. Allowing politically motivated investigators to conduct sensitive investigations during election years further damages the agency’s credibility.

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