Home Politics Diversion and Deception: Harris’s Tactics for Avoiding Accountability

Diversion and Deception: Harris’s Tactics for Avoiding Accountability

Diversion and Deception: Harris’s Tactics for Avoiding Accountability


Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier was marred by several confrontational moments, one of which stood out for its striking similarity to a familiar narrative. Harris attempted to deflect criticism about her party’s handling of key issues, instead placing the blame on former President Donald Trump.

Baier pointed out that a staggering 79% of voters believe the country is on the wrong track after three and a half years of Harris’s tenure. Harris’s response was to assert that voters are exhausted with leaders who prioritize personal grievances over the needs of the American people. This argument sounds eerily reminiscent of the 2019 campaign message espoused by then-candidate Joe Biden.

Biden’s message then was centered on the idea that voters were tired of Trump’s divisiveness and that electing a Democrat would usher in a new era of unity. Biden emphasized that Democrats want to heal the nation and that the angrier a candidate can be, the less likely they are to win the nomination. However, Biden’s plan for unity was essentially reduced to removing Trump from office, with no clear strategy for addressing the underlying issues.

Fast forward to Harris, who is peddling a similar narrative. Her proposal is essentially to vote against Trump one more time, and then Democrats will magically be able to work with Republicans to pass legislation. This theory is both naive and disingenuous, particularly when considering her handling of border security.

According to Harris, the border crisis was caused by the Democratically-controlled Congress’s failure to pass the Biden-Harris mass amnesty plan. However, this narrative is a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts. In reality, it was the Biden-Harris administration’s executive orders that mandated the catch and release of undocumented immigrants, exacerbating the crisis.

When questioned about her claims, Harris pointed to a now-debunked story about Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas negotiating a bipartisan border security bill with conservative lawmakers. She claimed that the bill would have passed Congress if only Trump hadn’t intervened. However, this account is a fabrication, and the actual border security bill negotiated by Mayorkas with Senator James Lankford (R-OK) would have made the existing crisis worse.

The Senate ultimately rejected the bill on a bipartisan basis, with six Democrats voting against it alongside Lankford. The reality is that the Biden-Harris administration’s policies, including their catch-and-release border policies, are deeply unpopular, and voters are unlikely to turn to Harris as a solution. Instead, they may choose to continue down the path of unpopular policies or move further to the left. The fact remains that voters want to turn the page from Harris, not to her. Harris’s inability to acknowledge the failures of her administration and her party’s policies speaks volumes about her lack of leadership and vision for the country. Her reliance on blaming Trump and peddling false narratives is a stark reminder of the challenges she faces in her presidential aspirations.

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