Home Politics Democrat gov caught on hot mic fretting over presidential race

Democrat gov caught on hot mic fretting over presidential race

Democrat gov caught on hot mic fretting over presidential race


New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu on Democratic governors sounding off on their party’s chances of winning in November and Biden’s cognitive ability.


  1. Notice how all the media outlets are attempting to make this race look close so when they fudge the numbers, you'll mentally be conditioned to assume that it was just a close race

  2. Don't worry governor, we have our eye on the ball. We don't mind being outspent in battlegrounds before September because we legitimately think we can make some inroads in light blue states and we dont mind decent polling for Biden right now. I think Rubio might give us a commanding advantage, but still not over. If there's only one sober, credible, presidential politician on either ticket, that's a huge plus. I agree there's a 30-40% chance he doesn't make it to the convention: his health is deteriorating rapidly and this press conference could be brutal.

    But what makes us most confident is that we have a lot of arrows in our quiver to use a against Biden. Our grand inquisitor Elise is going to get to the bottom of this and some very inconvenient truths for the Biden campaign will emerge indisputably in a few months.

  3. Trump promised to make America energy independent and he did, he promised to move US Embassy to Jerusalem and he did ( Obama and the rest of the Presidents promised that too but didn't have a stomach to comply with campaign promises).
    He promised to stop illegal immigration and he did, vetting process was moved to Mexico which provided 28K soldiers to oversee the new policy and US didn't pay a penny. He promised to make economy prosperous and he did, 70% of Americans called it "excellent or good". ( if you wish to challenge me on this I refer you to ABC Marsha Radatz interview with Democratic billionaire Tom Stayer who decided to run for President in 2020 on economy ). He dismantled ISIS ( entire political and military teams advised Obama not to withdraw the troops from Iraq but he did, created vacuum was immediately filled up with people called themselves Caliphate ) as he said he would.
    He rebuilt military giving generals all they asked for and have created a Space force ( China and Russia full steam ahead with Space force and Biden canceled that). Creating operation "Warp Speed", showing tremendous leadership at the toughest times for the nation the vaccine was developed and delivered to America for less than a year when nobody believed possible laughing at it calling it "Trump's vaccine". He asked NATO members to do 2% of the GDP as they supposed to and they did except Germany and we all see today how right he was. He signed into the law " The First Step Act" allowing convicts ( predominantly Afro Americans who served longer than half of their sentences for nonviolent crimes ) out of prison as a 2nd chance ( and Van Jones from CNN standing behind the President was applauding him…).
    The most impressive achievement of a Biblical proportion is an "Abraham accord" creating a peace in the Middle East region and nominated for Nobel Peace Prize ( I think two times, all the Presidents of the United States starting with JFK tried to bring peace to the Middle East, everyone of them……..failed ). If Obama (who I voted twice for has sent " Special Envoy for the Middle East Peace " led by the WH appointee George Mitchell who came back empty handed ) did third of it not to mention half of it Democrats, Medea and myself would call him Greatest President ever but he didn't. President Trump did. Did I mention record unemployment for all of the minorities in this country?
    He stopped N Korea testing ICBM flying over Japan, capable of reaching United States and made them to meet with S Korea for the first time in history of both Koreas (absolutely remarkable achievement in foreign policies).
    He made the World a peaceful place for the entire four years making America great, working for the People and not for the special interests groups, marking his years in the White House as an unequivocal success he did every one and each campaign promise in spite of being distracted, harassed, viciously attacked and openly sabotaged by all of the Media, Big Tech, hostile Congress and everybody else who wasn't lazy on the daily bases with one purpose only to bring him down. The most honest and effective President by far.

  4. Yes, we need that down ticket to take back the Senate and increase the reps in the House. Without that we will not turn things around even if Trump is President. We Need ALL Three.

  5. Im a liberal, and Im here because Im shadow banned on MSNBC for saying…a NATIONAL POLLS showing a tie is very misleading. What matters are swing states, and the fact he MUST overcome thr electoral college deficit. Biden is a loser, thats the reality.

  6. If Biden stays and he somehow gets over 80 million votes again, then will it finally be ok to talk about election voting systems or will we still all be called ignorant, ill-informed and called liars and imbeciles??

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