Home Politics David Axelrod’s Meltdown: How RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement Sends Democrat Operative Over...

David Axelrod’s Meltdown: How RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement Sends Democrat Operative Over the Edge

David Axelrod’s Meltdown: How RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement Sends Democrat Operative Over the Edge


David Axelrod, a longtime Democratic Party operative and former adviser to Barack Obama, was visibly shaken by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump. Axelrod took to social media to express his disappointment and disillusionment with Kennedy’s decision.

Axelrod had long admired Robert F. Kennedy, the late senator and presidential candidate, for his tireless advocacy on issues like poverty, injustice, and economic fairness. However, he felt that Kennedy’s son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., had fallen far short of his father’s legacy. “Sometimes an apple DOES fall far from the tree…in this case, down a hill and over a cliff,” Axelrod wrote.

Kennedy’s concession speech, in which he urged his supporters to back Trump, highlighted his concerns about the nation’s food supply and the need for reform at agencies like the FDA and USDA. He claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris was not committed to addressing these issues, and that she had refused to take a phone call from him.

Axelrod was skeptical of Kennedy’s claims, suggesting that his decision to endorse Trump was motivated by self-interest rather than a genuine desire to advance the causes he cared about. “Robert F. Kennedy Sr. would have been appalled to see his son cut a deal to drop out of the race and endorse Trump,” Axelrod posted.

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