Home Politics 'Come on…': Perino presses Harris campaign on VP not taking questions

'Come on…': Perino presses Harris campaign on VP not taking questions

'Come on…': Perino presses Harris campaign on VP not taking questions


Harris-Walz campaign senior spokesperson Ian Sams joined ‘America’s Newsroom’ to discuss recent polling indicating Trump has a lead over Harris and where the vice president stands on key issues ahead of the ABC Presidential Debate.


  1. Trump will take care of Senior citizens!!!!
    unlike comrade Camila comrade chameleon!! I put a lot more money in my pocket under Trump's tax cuts!!! The day Biden and Harris took office I lost a shitload of money you liar !!! taken back in taxes!!!! Comrade chameleons and Joe Biden's tax hikes hikes!!!

  2. She could’ve done a much better jobinterviewing him. I wish someone else would have done that interview other than her. She is too easy going and melee mouthed. I was a working lower middle-class American when Trump did the tax cuts, and they benefited me, she needed to have called him out on his lies and she didn’t do it.

  3. I don't care what those money grubbing CEO'S have to say. And this guy should be fact checked on anything he says. There's a reason no one pays attention to her because she has nothing of substance to say. She is a puppet and a career politician who has skated by all her career by doing whatever the upper echelon leaders of the Democrats tell her to do.

  4. 6:12 What a joke this man is, he conveniently leaves out the fact that Kamala Harris is bussing people to these places otherwise they would be empty! Just gotta research and you will see she is paying people to go. It's all fake with Kamala.

  5. Watch Trump's response to the question about childcare. Its a goddamned train wreck.
    And not jumping through all the hoops Fox News can gin up isn't really proof of anything other than how disingenuous Fox is.
    And the opposite of weird isn't "solid", it's "normal". Trump and Vance are NOT normal. They're a FREAKSHOW! Hey ask Ivanka if she's going to take more vacations with Putin's girlfriend like she did in 2016?

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