Home U.S. Columbia protesters asking for amnesty following arrests for anti-Israel demonstrations

Columbia protesters asking for amnesty following arrests for anti-Israel demonstrations



Fox News’ Bryan Llenas reports the latest on the campus chaos from New York City.


  1. Wait until it gets really warm and they start to get restless because they aren't getting the attention that they crave and the "mostly peaceful" riots and burnings start.

  2. Hay Police , call the children's parents tell Parents to retrieve their spoiled brats or they will be locked up in camps because no room in jail or prisons .. Clean up Joe Biden`s crisis and close that boarder , seal it up ! Wake Up for ______ Sake !!!!!!!!!

  3. Just a question for the pro palestine protestors here and there… 1950 the palestinian population is 900K come 2024 the population grew to a staggering 5.5million!!!! Genocide is the act of eradicating another race to extinction. What happen how come they grew to that much if they are being oppressed killed and butchered daily by israelis? Common sense dictates if your denying someone access to basic necessity like water food etc they will start dying but how did they manage to become 5.5million if they dont have food and water or its limited? Oh another thing i saw bnew BMW, Mercedes and other bnew cars in GAZA and they even showed their celebrating after they attack israel in oct 7 is it safe to assume per the pro palestinian defenders that israel controls everything in GAZA that the israelis allowed the entry of the said vehicles? Another thing if food and water etc needs israelis approval to be given to palestinians did israel also approve the entry of AK47 missiles rockets and other sorts of weapons into GAZA!! it seems these things can get into GAZA easily than food and water.

  4. They funny part in a Special Olympics sense of funny is that in a couple of years they'll be out there "protesting" that they went their student loans cancelled and their rent paid for them and then a few years after that they'll be out there "protesting" that they want free healthcare and UBI too. They're literally brainwashed Democrat useful idiot waste cases. Send your kids straight into the workforce or off to trade school. Keep them far away from this riff raff. Don't commit parental malpractice.

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