Home Politics CNN delivers dose of reality to Biden in ‘The Five’

CNN delivers dose of reality to Biden in ‘The Five’



‘The Five’ co-hosts discuss Vice President Kamala Harris’ interview with Drew Barrymore and President Biden’s latest poll numbers.


  1. Not here as a viewer – clicked just to say for the record that if I think Watters will be in a Fox News video, I will scroll to something else. I have proved my point with this before I hit mute to write this!

  2. Hello Magas! I’m curious about you, so I’d like to put these questions to you:

    How come you look up to, and see as your role model, a man who is constantly whining and seeing himself as a victim? For others, this is seen as a weakness. And who wants a weak and whiny leader who always blames others? Someone who never takes responsibility for his actions?

    Historically, Trump is a constant loser. Just look at how the GOP, with Trump and with his endorsements, has lost in every election since 2016 (which was an election where he lost the popular vote = the majority of the people).

    Personally, Trump is also a loser when it comes to business; just look at his track record.

    And how can you believe that a billionaire can be "a man of the people", care about "the little man" or the working people? A man who gave the richest 1 percent giant tax breaks? A man who created an even bigger swamp in Washington, with corruption that his family and friends profited from? A man who constantly lies?

    A man who failed the American people when they needed help the most (i.e. Covid, health care for all, an infrastructure plan/budget, new jobs, etc, etc).

    On top of this: see how he looks and behaves! Hardly a look and behavior of a hero, someone you can look up to, someone you want your children to have as a role model, someone you would want your sister or daughter to marry.

    So what's wrong with you people? You know that all of the above is true, and yet you follow Trump! Yet you believe he is the solution to your problems and the problems of the U.S.!

    One observation I have made is that Maga people never seem to be happy and always have someone to despise and hate. They don’t respect the freedom of others; to love who one wants, to decide over one's own body, to read the books one wants, to believe in the politics one wants, etc, etc. As if it was their business to dictate what others can do. They seem to hate liberty for *all*.

    If you feel miserable, everyone must feel miserable – is that it?

    What are you so afraid of? And what is it that has made you so afraid and bitter?

    Exactly why have you come to feel so miserable all the time? Exactly who actually made you react that way? Who made you think that your life is so joyless and that you should be afraid? Who made you kick downwards? Always in need of a scapegoat?

    Don't you have a creeping feeling that you've been deceived?

  3. as a proud christian my priorties are guns, Trump, beer, playing my banjo at a superbowl™ with my band of trained roosters and charlene the squirrel who only shows up sometimes, sharing a cell with Trump in county lock up, god, and freedom in that order and we will continue to show support for Trump because he understands this and we will keep sending half of our insulin money to support him
    a men

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