Home Politics Charlie Hurt: Trump is the Only Politician Who Can Draw a Crowd

Charlie Hurt: Trump is the Only Politician Who Can Draw a Crowd



‘The Big Weekend Show’ co-hosts discuss former President Trump’s rally in Wildwood, N.J., and what keeps his crowd’s attention.


  1. No. I cannot ignore this. Why? Are you all ok? Why do you hate America so much? Donald Trump seriously hates you and America. He doesn’t care about ANY of you. Why can’t you see this?

  2. Yes let's hype up the crowd factor when we very well know that introverts can vote as well and most people who votes don't actually care about wasting time and money fan boying and fan girling over politicians. No matter what city you are in there is obviously more people outside of the venue than in which is why so many people where mislead about the elections in 2020. Then again Taylor Swift has Trump beat as far as crowd size goes and most of her American attendees are able to vote so and are against Trump so…

  3. Yeaaa but look at the crowd tho and not only that; Trump don't really know how to tell the truth or he is coached on how not to so I'm sure the numbers are inflated.

    Mr. America DOES retain a loyal following and that cannot be denied but again look at the quality and also the Agenda here


  4. Deport, deport, illegal migrants, not on our dime. Taxes too high, food too high, crimes is too high, war and so much more. Biden has destroyec thr USA and under Trump everything was definitely much better. Trump 2024 to make the USA proud again. "Let'sGo Brandon"😊😊😊😊😊😊

  5. Atleast Trump can answer to why, he believes in important issues the American people agree with. Biden and his dimrods cant even answer why cause they dont believe in it. Its corupt and dictatorship biden wants to take your freedom . In trade for his ant his freedom .

  6. Less than 30,000 people for the liar who has broken all of the Ten Commandments. 
    Proverbs 6:16-19 ESV
    "There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers."

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