Home Politics Change of Venue for Pro-Israel Summit Following Cancellation by Nashville Hotel Due...

Change of Venue for Pro-Israel Summit Following Cancellation by Nashville Hotel Due to ‘Demands from Pro-Hamas Thugs’



The Sonesta Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee has decided not to host a conference in support of Israel after receiving numerous calls from a local pro-Palestinian group. The event, called the Israel Summit and sponsored by HaYovel, was scheduled to take place from May 20-22 but had to be relocated due to safety concerns for guests stemming from threatening calls and messages received by the hotel. Despite this setback, HaYovel has stated that the event will still proceed at a different venue as a display of standing firm against intimidation.

The Israel Summit aims to bring together supporters of Israel who fully endorse Israel’s sovereignty over its entire territory, including Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip. The decision to move the event was made after the Palestine Hurra Collective Nashville encouraged followers to contact the hotel and request the cancellation of the conference.

While it is unknown where the Israel Summit will now be held, the event’s website still indicates the original dates of May 20-22. The conference features a gala dinner, a music concert by Israeli musician Yair Levi, and 16 speakers including former Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann. The Truth Voices has reached out to the Sonesta Hotel for further comment on the situation.

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