

Department of Homeland Security Fails to Fill Detention Space as Criminal Illegal Immigrants Enter the U.S.

President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is under scrutiny for leaving detention space unfilled, resulting in the release of criminal illegal aliens...

Unlikely that the Economy is Driving the Low Birth Rate

Charlie Kirk recently shared a video of author Scott Galloway expressing concerns about the challenges young people face in starting families in modern America....

Supreme Court Nears Election Interference, Warning that “Delayed Justice Undermines Democracy”

During an appearance on ABC's "This Week," Democratic strategist Donna Brazile expressed concern about the Supreme Court potentially interfering in the election process. She...

‘Only a Dog Goes Back to its Vomit’

Brittni De La Mora, a former porn star turned Christian, advised Kanye West against launching his proposed "Yeezy Porn" studio. De La Mora expressed...

A Second Term for Biden Would Benefit China

The Biden administration, after securing more U.S. taxpayer funds for Ukraine, is now focusing on the Indo-Pacific region. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is...

Nicki Minaj Deflects and Returns Object Thrown at Her During Concert

Rapper Nicki Minaj responded to an object thrown at her during a concert by hurling it back into the crowd. The incident was captured...

Modern IVF Techniques Resemble Ancient Selective Breeding Practices

The recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court to consider embryos created through IVF as unborn children has raised concerns within the fertility field...

Conservatism’s Traditional Foundation Has Been Eroded

Conservative talk radio host Erick Erickson recently criticized a new movement emerging within conservatism that questions traditional principles like limited government and free markets....

SCOTUS Rules Presidents Are Immune From Criminal Prosecutions

The Supreme Court heard arguments on Thursday in the case of Trump v. United States regarding the immunity of former presidents from criminal prosecution...

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