Home U.S. Cargo ship that crashed into Baltimore bridge experienced power outage before departing...

Cargo ship that crashed into Baltimore bridge experienced power outage before departing port

Cargo ship that crashed into Baltimore bridge experienced power outage before departing port


The cargo ship that collided with Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge experienced a total of four power blackouts, with two occurring just before the accident. A National Transportation Safety Board report revealed that the Singapore-flagged Dali cargo ship had two power failures 10 hours before departing port and two more just before the bridge collision.

The initial power outages occurred while the ship was in port due to a crew member mistakenly closing an exhaust chamber, leading to a stall and subsequent blackout from fuel pressure issues. The report detailed how the main power breaker unexpectedly opened moments before the crash, resulting in a loss of propulsion for the Dali.

Despite attempts by the crew to restore power and signal for assistance, two more blackout incidents occurred, preventing the ship from avoiding the collision with the bridge. Tragically, six construction workers on the bridge lost their lives in the accident, while the crew of the Dali escaped unharmed.

The ship remained trapped under the bridge debris until a controlled demolition on Monday. The NTSB report provided insight into the events leading up to the collision, with a full investigation expected to take over a year.

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