Home World Campaign Launched by Nigel Farage Against Pandemic Treaty

Campaign Launched by Nigel Farage Against Pandemic Treaty



Brexit leader Nigel Farage has pledged to lead the fight against the “mission creep” of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its push for an international Pandemic Treaty. Farage has joined the Action on World Health (AWH) campaign group to challenge the WHO’s authority and its proposed treaty.

Farage believes that the WHO’s budget of £5.5 billion should be drastically reduced, and he opposes the organization’s efforts to impose mandatory lockdowns and vaccinations. He argues that the WHO should focus on sharing information and providing guidance rather than dictating policies.

The AWH campaign aims to prevent the WHO from enforcing lockdowns and mandatory vaccines through the proposed treaty. They argue that the WHO’s budget should be cut by at least 50%, citing wasteful spending on luxury travel and excessive staff.

Criticism has also been directed at the WHO’s Director-General, Dr. Tedros, for failing to act on early warnings about the COVID-19 pandemic and spreading Chinese disinformation. Despite the WHO’s advocacy for the pandemic treaty to be legally binding, Tedros has denied claims that it would give the organization power over member states’ policies.

While the British government initially supported the Pandemic Treaty, they are now emphasizing the importance of maintaining national sovereignty in any agreements. Farage and the AWH campaign are urging countries to resist the WHO’s overreach and take back control over their own public health policies.

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