Home Politics Busting the Myth: Trump Didn’t Kill the Border Bill, Democrats Did

Busting the Myth: Trump Didn’t Kill the Border Bill, Democrats Did

Busting the Myth: Trump Didn’t Kill the Border Bill, Democrats Did


The Democratic Party’s handling of the border crisis has become a major liability for the party, and no amount of spin from the media can change that. Despite their best efforts to deflect blame, voters remain deeply concerned about the issue, and for good reason. The Democrats’ policies have led to a surge in illegal immigration, with millions of undocumented individuals pouring into the country.

In a desperate attempt to salvage their reputation, the Democrats have resorted to peddling false narratives. One such claim is that a bipartisan border bill was scuttled by former President Trump, who allegedly ordered Republicans to oppose the legislation. However, this narrative falls apart under scrutiny.

The truth is that the bill in question was a recipe for disaster, codifying the Biden administration’s disastrous immigration policies and mandating open borders. The legislation would have required future presidents to fling open the border, granting amnesty to millions of undocumented individuals and providing them with a plethora of benefits. Conservative groups, publications, and lawmakers from both parties universally panned the bill, recognizing it for the sham it was.

In fact, many prominent Republicans, including Senators Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Ted Cruz, spoke out against the bill, labeling it a “sellout” and a “sh*t sandwich.” Even liberal Democrat Mickey Kaus expressed his outrage, questioning the sanity of Senator Mitch McConnell for thinking the House would buy into such a flawed proposal.

Despite the overwhelming opposition, the media continues to peddle the lie that Trump single-handedly killed the bill. However, the truth is that the legislation was dead on arrival, with at least six senators coming out against it before it was even officially released.

The Democrats’ idea of a “strongest border bill in decades” is a farce, doing nothing to strengthen the border while providing a plethora of benefits to undocumented individuals. Trump’s first comment on the bill, posted on Truth Social, was a scathing rebuke of the legislation, calling for a complete overhaul of the country’s immigration policies.

The Democrats’ attempts to blame Trump for their own failures on the border are nothing new. This is the same party that has repeatedly peddled false narratives about Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia, his views on neo-Nazis, and his supposed advice to drink bleach. It’s time to set the record straight: the Democrats’ border policies are a disaster, and their attempts to shift the blame will only continue to fall flat.

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