Home Politics Bob Casey Embraces the Replacement of Columbus Day with ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’...

Bob Casey Embraces the Replacement of Columbus Day with ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Day’ as “Woke Lefty Nonsense”



Pennsylvania Republican Senate nominee Dave McCormick criticized his opponent, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA), for expressing openness to changing Columbus Day to “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” in a constituent letter. McCormick called Casey out of touch with Pennsylvania and accused him of embracing woke lefty nonsense. He also pointed out Casey’s non-committal stance on issues, such as endorsing a candidate who has criticized Israel. McCormick emphasized the need for moral courage and strong leadership in the country, contrasting Casey’s lack of significant legislative accomplishments in his long tenure in public office. This criticism was made during an interview on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday.

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