Home Politics Bill Maher, Dan Crenshaw Clash Over Kamala Harris’ Policy Shifts

Bill Maher, Dan Crenshaw Clash Over Kamala Harris’ Policy Shifts

Bill Maher, Dan Crenshaw Clash Over Kamala Harris’ Policy Shifts


On a recent episode of HBO’s Real Time, host Bill Maher discussed Vice President Kamala Harris’ shift in stance on various issues since her previous presidential run. Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) argued that Harris’ past statements and actions, as well as her record in the Biden administration, demonstrate a clear pattern of extremist policies.

Crenshaw pointed to Harris’ support for the Green New Deal, Medicare for all, and her opposition to jailing illegal immigrants, among other issues. He claimed that these stances are far outside the mainstream and that the Trump administration has taken a more moderate approach on these issues.

Maher acknowledged Harris’ shift to the center, but Crenshaw countered that this change is not genuine. “She’s either a far-leftist or a chameleon liar,” he said, suggesting that Harris is simply trying to rebrand herself to appeal to a wider audience.

Democratic strategist James Carville pushed back against Crenshaw’s criticism, arguing that politicians often evolve on issues over time. He pointed to former President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as examples of leaders who changed their stance on same-sex marriage.

Crenshaw’s comments were met with skepticism by Maher, who noted that Harris’ shift to the center is not unusual for politicians seeking to broaden their appeal. “Everybody tacks to the middle,” Maher said, referencing Mitt Romney’s infamous “Etch A Sketch” comment.

The debate highlighted the challenges Harris faces in her presidential bid, as she seeks to balance her progressive credentials with a more moderate approach that can appeal to a wider range of voters.

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