Home Politics Bill Clinton: Biden 'healed our sick and put us back to work'

Bill Clinton: Biden 'healed our sick and put us back to work'

Bill Clinton: Biden 'healed our sick and put us back to work'


Former President Bill Clinton says the president strengthened U.S. alliances at the Democratic National Convention.


  1. A number of comments mention Clinton and Epstein. Do those who mention this not know of Trump's acknowledged close friendship with Epstein? It's comments like this one that result in the public accusing Magas of hypocrisy. Ignoring or defending Trump's proven improprieties/ immorality, but attacking others suspected of having done what Trump is known to have done is hypocrisy.

  2. Wrong,… his doctor, Fauci, made us sick and big Pharma made a fortune. Our economy is destroyed and we are struggling both republicans and democrats. None of that is deniable. All from a lying cheating gross human being who happens to be a former president. I better be careful what I say you know what those Clintons are known for though…💀 ☠️

  3. Please everyone …. vote for Trump in November! If these Democrats are allowed to run this country much longer, we're going to be living in Hell on Earth. The only thing these people have in common, is that they are each their own best friend. Instead of worshiping God, they worship themselves and each other. I don't want to live in a world where abortions are free on demand, vasectomies are free on demand, and where our children can change their gender identity overnight without parents knowledge or approval. We have literally fallen into Sodom and Gomorrah from the Bible. God destroyed them because of their utter wickedness. That's where we're headed with these nutcases in charge. None of these people love our country .. they only love themselves. Wake up America!

  4. Someone remind bill more people died from the virus under Biden and how horribly this admin handled the pandemic. Biden didn’t cure anyone, he gave ppl no choice for natural immunity. All he did was censor everyone then forced ppl to get a shot. He promised the shot will keep ppl from getting infected, yet it didn’t. Two of my family members died AFTER the shot not before. They had to get it in order to return to work, no freedom to choose. Then ended up dying !

  5. They always try to take credit for any and all the good things Trump accomplished. The Left can take credit for for the Coronavirus Pandemic. Fauci worked for them. This was typical of the Democrats. They don’t hesitate to do anything to do for power, especially if they can pin it on President Trump. They absolutely hate the fact that they can’t control Trump. They have been trying to take him down for the past 8 years. They don’t care if it destroys USA and its people. Can you list all the crap they threw at Trump? You would think they would learn…

  6. Bull sh.t. He armed extremists whith Us army tanks and help mutilate children and left soldiers homeless and the border open putting every citizen at risk. He help citizens become addicted and hopeless. He killed your nation.

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