Home Politics Bill Barr: Dems are trying to paint an ‘apocalyptic vision’

Bill Barr: Dems are trying to paint an ‘apocalyptic vision’

Bill Barr: Dems are trying to paint an ‘apocalyptic vision’


Former Attorney General Bill Barr discusses the liberal media’s coverage of the assassination attempt against former President Trump on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’


  1. I must say bill barr you can kiss my a$$ along with pence!!! If you two had any real testicular fortitude we wouldn't be in this mess f%ck you and what you got to say💯💯💯

  2. So cbs wants to say how terrible it is to say bad things about the left and how dangerous it is while they are supposed to be covering an assassination attempt that was likely caused or promoted by the language they use about trump. They need a seminar.

  3. Something tells me Barr regrets backstabbing Trump & rightfully so. But, i think its too late sir. I wish you would have stayed true to your heart. Stayed true to our REAL president. President Trump.

  4. The lady running the Secret Service. Was she appointed to that position because of her high level of competence and qualification, or because she was female?

  5. Bill
    Barr has come to his senses at least – but no more trust to him he was so lousy before – He didn’t deliver his JOB well – now what’s his motif ?
    A lousy big guy ( excuse my language ) you were part of the Dems Bill – sorry my opinion only –

  6. Barr and other people said that the president's speech expressed noble sentiments. Weeeeelllll, maybe some of them… But… 1) He is an absolute hypocrite, calling to tone down the rhetoric – implying that both sides are ramping up the rhetoric, when his major campaign strategy is "Trump is the devil incarnate and I'm not". And they have been engaged Ina noon-stop smear campaign, engaging m media, Hollywood, all Dems across the v board, and, this year, the DOJ. He had nothing good to show for his presidency, that's why he needs to malign the other guy. 2) His smarmy way of declaring "we don't know his motives or his affiliations". Oh really? Does it take an Einstein to figure it out? 3) And even with his call to lower the temperature, he still invoked the highly charged fiction about the violence on January 6th, mentioning it between other events. He mentions the attack of Nancy Pelosi's husband, but that's not cleat it was politically motivated. Not a pristine speech at all.

  7. Thats all the dems do is talk about what hes gonna do to them personally. Ive never heard him once say anything about that. He just wants a better country for his countrymen. He dont need this job

  8. Democrats point out Trumps words…he said suspend constitution, Ill be a dictator on day one, it will be a blood bath & what he said about Pelosi hisbands attack. These are his words but MAGA/ REPUBLICANS say these are only jokes or just words without meaning. CHICKENS CAME HOME TO ROOST. FACT!!

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