Home Politics Biden’s Video Script Edited 8 Times in 24 Seconds by Team

Biden’s Video Script Edited 8 Times in 24 Seconds by Team

Biden’s Video Script Edited 8 Times in 24 Seconds by Team


Joe Biden’s team created a 24-second scripted video of the president that was edited multiple times, raising concerns about his ability to deliver unscripted remarks accurately. A significant portion of Democrats doubt Biden’s mental fitness, according to a recent Harvard/Harris survey. Another poll revealed that 82% of Americans have concerns about his physical and mental health, while only about one-third of voters believe he is fit for a second term.

While politicians often record videos for social media, Biden’s highly edited 24-second video stands out. In contrast, former President Donald Trump often delivers uncut, lengthy messages in a natural and resonant way with voters.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung criticized the edited video, pointing out the numerous jump cuts in a tweet. Biden has been observed struggling to speak clearly during recent events, including reading the word “pause” from a teleprompter instead of pausing for applause.

Biden has faced criticism for his gaffes and struggles with speaking, leading to concerns about his readiness for a second term. White House aides provide him with note cards and encourage him to stick to a pre-written script to minimize mistakes. However, his scripted words are carefully crafted and vetted by advisers.

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