Home Politics Biden’s Team Announces Debate Requirements: No Audience, Muted Microphones

Biden’s Team Announces Debate Requirements: No Audience, Muted Microphones



‘Fox & Friends’ co-hosts discuss the Biden campaign’s debate restrictions, which include no third-party candidates and limited news outlets.


  1. Remember the town hall version of “debating” in 2020? Biden was coddled and spoon fed by Stephanopoulos while Trump was interrupted and attacked by Savannah Guthrie. Of course that’s what Pelosi would want to have happen again.

  2. this is not a DEBATE! this is a speech. biden literally will read a teleprompter because without an audience and muted mics means he wont even listen to anyone asking him questions and will lie and gaslight with fake polls and say prove it otherwise or be speaking in a certain context.. gaslighting more… jb will only be repeating what he hears in his ear/teleprompter. every question given ahead of time, even the responses. the format is not a debate! refuse the format. refuse the format. make it live with real people with a huge crowd asking real questions and real responses.. REFUSE THE FORMAT

  3. Talk about the Democrats have to have everything rigged. I’m sure this will get worse for Trump before it happens. This is why I’m no longer a Democrat. Thank you for supporting my decision DNC.

  4. Unless the commentators are from equal media outlets and not just Trump hating media… it will be just be another trash trump opportunity. It needs to be EQUAL!
    If republicans don't demand that, the are still weak and useless to the American people!!!!

  5. Sounds like Biden wants no evidence of all the lies he is going to tell….please check him for earphones, notes, or any other way he would be able to scam the American taxpayer …as democrats have been doing for over 50 years! If you are able to attend this in any manner, please record it(secretly of course). Biden has committed Treason and his age is not way to get out of it….his handlers (Pelosi and co) should also be charged with Treason.

  6. Biden handlers should just ask for a case of Duct Tape to use at any time on Trump. The public yesterday done told Nancy Little Miss Insider Trading what they thought about her!!

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